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2020 Mission Trip - A Different Way

After much discussion and prayer, we decided not to travel to Guatemala in 2020. The uncertainty of border opening and closings during the Covid 19 pandemic was the deciding factor for us.

Although we cannot be there in person, we will be continuing to support the needs of the Guatemalan people. By unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, a portion of the funds allocated for the 2020 mission trip have been sent to the following:

$8,000.00 has gone to Salud y Paz - our planned in-country partner for our cancelled 2020 trip. They have already sent a note stating how grateful they are and that our funds will be used immediately for food and medical supplies to those in desperate need.

$8,000.00 has gone to Fundamaya - we requested these monies go to feeding families in need.

$7,000.00 was sent to Sergio, an in-country partner and native Mayan that we have worked with many times. Food has been purchased and delivered to those in remote areas.

$2,000.00 was donated to the Wings Organization of Guatemala. Our timing is good, there is a donor that is "matching" funds so our donation just got doubled!

$6,000.00 was donated to Mayan Families for food and hygiene supplies.

$1,500 to the local Bombaros (fire department) as well as 11 shipping crates of fire fighting equipment and personal protective equipment that was distributed through Fundamaya.

Donations through Sergio

Each package contains 30 lbs. of shelf stable food, as the recipients have no means of refrigeration. Bags contain beans, corn, rice, oatmeal, Incaparina (a high-quality protein vegetable food for people with nutritional deficiencies), Manna (fortified rice) a small amount of sugar and coffee, and quite a few other food items.

Donation to Salud y Paz

Here are some photos of the care package distribution we did yesterday.

We identified families through our school and clinic social work programs who were in the most need.

The care package included packaged food staples, antibacterial soap and washable masks for both children and adults.

Our social worker and school principal attended each visit to speak with the families to assess their needs and provide resources and counselling for those who may be in need of government support or at risk of domestic violence.

Thank you so much for your generous contribution that made this outreach possible!

Donation to FundaMaya

Thank you so much for this wonderful donation from Hands of Healing!

We are so very, very grateful and the people who receive the benefit of this donation will be beyond grateful. I cannot imagine anything worse as a parent than watching your children be hungry. Thanks to Hands of Healing's kindness and generosity we will be able to help so many more families be able to have food. Zoe also delivered 30 new masks to the Bomberos this week. We have Bomberos from all over calling and asking for help with these protective masks.

Please extend our heartfelt gratitude to all members of Hands of Healing and for all the work that you did to raise these funds. We know this doesn't just drop into your laps! Thank you for your support. Wishing good health and safety to all your team and their loved ones. God Bless you all.

Donation to Wings

Thank you for your support! These donations will help to care for primarily rural Guatemalan youth, women and men.


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