Save the dates! There will be two Supply drop-off events at Anona United Methodist Church:
Monday June 29 5p-7p and Sat July 11 9a-1100a.
Anona UMC is located at 13233 Indian Rocks Road, Largo, 33774
Here’s how it works:
Purchase the items you would like to donate and choose from one of three delivery options:
Drop off at Drop-Off Event: dates and times are listed at top of page.
- You may deliver the items to the Anona Thrift Shoppe during their business hours: 12025 Indian Rocks Road, Largo, FL 33774. Phone 727-666-2660
You may have Amazon deliver directly to Hands of Healing c/o 13853 Meares Drive, Largo, FL 33774
Equivalent items purchased elsewhere are gratefully accepted!
Missed the drop off date? Late items can be dropped off at the Anona Thrift Shoppe during their regular business hours.
By now you may have heard that Hands of Healing must postpone our 2020 Mission to Guatemala as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be back in Guatemala just as soon as it is safely possible! Please watch our website for more information.
Like the rest of our world, Guatemala has been suffering the effects of the pandemic. To stop the spread of this deadly virus, Guatemala has been under a country-wide lockdown. As a result, their already-fragile economy is now in crisis.
Reprinted with permission from one of our Mission Partners, Fundamaya (www.fundamaya.org):
This is a rare, strange time in history and we are all going through COVID-19 together. Some people do it much differently than others. In the developing world, social distancing means having your whole family in a one-room shelter with a dirt or cement floor. But most importantly, with little or no food.
The families we work with usually pay for their food with money they earn each day. When there is no work, there is no food. There has been almost no work now for five weeks. People are hungry. They are scared of COVID-19, but they are more worried about the imminent threat of starvation.
During normal times, we often help families who are hungry and who have nothing to eat.
• We have seen babies who are malnourished.
• We have seen mothers, for a lack of food, with no breast milk.
• We have seen countless children in our office who are lethargic from not eating and tell us that they didn't have time for breakfast or lunch. We know that there is no food at home.
This is not a normal time. This time is much, much worse!
We are now in our fifth week when families cannot go out to work and there is no money coming in. This lockdown will continue for a minimum of 30 days more.
We have desperate parents calling us asking for help. We have the mayors pleading with us for food assistance for their villages.
Hands of Healing is already providing direct monitory support to Fundamaya; Salud y Paz; Wings; and Sergio Gomez, our Mayan on-the-ground partner in Guatemala. To supplement direct support, we will be conducting a Supplies Drive during the month of June!
Thank you for supporting our neighbors in desperate need!